2025 Nominations Now Open
The Outstanding Women of Clinton County awards committee is now seeking nominations for both up and coming (20-40 years of age) as well as seasoned women (41+) who have made important, unique, economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian contributions to their communities. Nominations for Promising Women of Clinton County & Outstanding Women of Clinton County must be received by January 3, 2025. No late entries will be considered.
Our purpose is to recognize and honor women of Clinton County who have made important economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian contributions to their community, and to support the educational endeavors of young women and to encourage future generations of outstanding women. To nominate a woman for this honor simply complete the nomination form linked below. It is strongly recommended that nominators consult with the nominee, her friends, and/or her family members for the purpose of securing information that would be helpful in responding to the questions on the form - The selection committee heavily depends on the detail and quality of the information you provide to make our decision. All applications are scored through an anonymous rubric process and selected based on the committee's collective results. Posthumous nominations are also allowed and encouraged.
Recipients will be honored at an awards luncheon in March 2025 with additional details to follow. Thank you for recognizing and honoring outstanding contributions of women in our community!
Questions? Contact: [email protected]
Our purpose is to recognize and honor women of Clinton County who have made important economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian contributions to their community, and to support the educational endeavors of young women and to encourage future generations of outstanding women. To nominate a woman for this honor simply complete the nomination form linked below. It is strongly recommended that nominators consult with the nominee, her friends, and/or her family members for the purpose of securing information that would be helpful in responding to the questions on the form - The selection committee heavily depends on the detail and quality of the information you provide to make our decision. All applications are scored through an anonymous rubric process and selected based on the committee's collective results. Posthumous nominations are also allowed and encouraged.
Recipients will be honored at an awards luncheon in March 2025 with additional details to follow. Thank you for recognizing and honoring outstanding contributions of women in our community!
Questions? Contact: [email protected]